Amber Keinath, Real Estate Agent in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!

Top 3 Reasons Your House Didn’t Sell Quickly

So, your house didn’t sell in North Myrtle Beach?

I get it. It can be pretty frustrating when your listing expires and you didn’t see your house. You’re probably wondering what went wrong. 

Here are my top three reasons your house didn’t sell. 

Did You Limit Access to Your House?

One of the most common mistakes when selling a house is restricting the days and times for potential buyers to tour it. 

We understand that it might be a bit overwhelming to be flexible with your schedule, but trust us, it’s crucial. Minimal access means minimal exposure to potential buyers. 

Imagine determined buyers coming from far away who can’t easily change their plans if you only offer limited showing times. Making your house available as much as possible is the key. 

After all, if no one can look at it, how’s it supposed to sell?

Did You Make Your House Stand Out?

When you’re selling your house, remember the age-old saying: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Your home’s exterior is just as crucial as the interior. Spruce up your landscaping to enhance your home’s curb appeal because, as U.S. News suggests, “if people drive by, but aren’t interested enough to walk through the front door, you’ll never sell your house.”

But don’t stop at the front door. Removing personal items and decluttering inside allows buyers to envision themselves in the home. A fresh coat of paint or some floor cleaning can work wonders to freshen up a room.

The other part of this is how did your Real Estate Agent market your house? Did they just put it on the MLS and sites like Zillow or Realtor com? That is a great start…but what did they do to actually market it? Did they run ads? Did they get it all over social media? How many people actually saw your house online? 

If you are ready to put your house back on the market, make sure you choose an agent that will actually go beyond what the other agents out there are doing for marketing. You want to get the most eyeballs on your house as possible! I can do this for you. 

Did You Price Your House Competitively?

Pricing your house right is an art when selling. While it might be tempting to aim for a higher price and maximize your profit, overpricing can backfire and scare away potential buyers. 

Business Insider points out that “the biggest mistake sellers make is overpricing their home.” If your house is priced higher than similar ones, it could lead to a loss of buyer interest.

How many people did you have actually tour your home? If you had a lot of views online, but little to no foot traffic, you may have overpriced your home. Our current market is still a seller’s market and houses are only on the market 30-60 days before getting sold. Price is the key to selling your home. 

Listen to the feedback people give your agent during open houses and showings. If you hear a common theme, it might be time to consider a price adjustment.

For more guidance and insights, it’s a great idea to have a trusted real estate agent by your side. I can do this for you. I can provide the expert advice on relisting your house and using effective cutting-edge strategies to get it sold.

Bottom line is I understand it’s disappointing when your listing expires and your house doesn’t sell. But don’t worry; I am here to help. 

Let’s connect to figure out what happened, and we can discuss what changes or adjustments might be needed to get your house back on the market. Your home-selling journey isn’t over, and we’re here to make sure it’s a successful one. 🏡✨